版本需求:Android 4.4W 以上版本
聯絡地址:CDO Tole, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu
Hamro Shikshya
Search For Common Ground has been implementing a three year European Union funded project, "HamroShikshya": Strengthening CSOs Role in Governance and Accountability of Nepal's Education Sector, in consortium with National Campaign for Education Nepal (NCE Nepal); andGoGo Foundation. The project has been implemented in 42 secondary schools of 3 targeted districts namely Dhanusha, Mahottari and Siraha with the aim to:
i) increase the awareness and skills of key education stakeholders on existing legal provisions and requirements for school governance in three districts;
ii) build capacity of 30 local CSOs and 42 school governing bodies to improve accountability and transparency of public schools; and,
iii) promote dialogues among all education stakeholders at all level. The project has envisioned mobile application for increasing access to information on these identified areas and promoting meaningful dialogue with a view to build the capacity and making them able to carry out the monitoring of teacher regularity and implementation of accountability tools in public schools.
Objective of Hamro Shikshya mobile application
The objective of the mobile application is to improve internal governance of school by providing required information to the stakeholders on educational matters and promoting them to carry out the monitoring of teachers' attendance, teaching quality, facilities and infrastructure. Moreover, the application provides FAQs, policies, provisions and entitlements related to school education. It helps to access justice to DEO and CSOs to know existing status of school governance which would provide need based interventions effectively.
Search For Common Ground
Lazimpat - 2, Nursery Marg
PO Box 24905
Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: (+977 1) 4002010/ 4002011
Email: sfcgnepal@sfcg.org